Director Desk

Dear Students & Parents

Lets take the example of any successful individual, we will find that the success,in real sense,is a blend of firm determination, availability of resources and above all learning to utilize these resources appropriately, which is regarded as one’s most important achievement as it blesses an individual with the potential to grow beyond limits and serves as a real foundation to his/her bright future.

So now the role of parents has been much more crucial than what it used to be in the times left behind, when it was confined to physical nurture largely, but now, your each and every decision, each and every step matters a lot. Secondly during this era of cut throat competition, it is important for a teaching system to teach the learners why and how to learn along with what to learn.

Here, at Wadhwa Career Institute, a special emphasis is laid on concept clarity, highly qualified and experienced faculty from all over the country, carefully designed curriculum and its delivery, followed by doubt-clearing sessions, and authentic exhaustive study material enable the learners to reach the heights of understanding as well asperformance. State of the art infrastructure, availability of well-equipped and well-furnished classrooms, study hall, rich library with aromatic essence of competition and cooperative non-teaching staff add to the environment full of pleasure of learning.

Here, taking parents along has resulted in the uniqueness in the teaching methodology and management as their love, affection, bonding and above all, their guidance based on the understanding developed since the child’s birth smoothen the path. Their presence and support help greatly to avoid any diversions or stress. Interactive interface and PTMs make parents and teachers accessible to each others, enabling them to analyse and work on the child with a joint effort full of coordination. Here, separate discussion and counseling sessions with the parents add to the results and conclusively, I must say that your positive attitude and faith, along with our proficiency and dedication shall bring us all that we deserve and that is our success that lies in the success of your loving child.

With best of regards

Mr. Tony Wadhwa

Managing Director

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